Created the Youth Sports and Tutoring Mentorship Program
Identified more than 70% illiteracy in the community
Developed the Shed A Light initiative to empower the village with education
Received land from the village and began constructing the community library to serve the 100 children in the village
Provided tutoring and mentorship to kids during the pandemic when schools were closed
Complete construction of the library
Began daily tutoring sessions for 50+ kids, and literacy and numeracy classes for 10+ adults
Paid school fees for 6 kids, who would otherwise have to drop out
Hired a second full-time teacher, a cook, and a security guard
​Started the feeding program for kids who would otherwise not have lunch
Implemented solar power energy at the library to enable kids to study at night with access to lights
Began a computer class with 11 donated computers and a printer
Continue sponsoring students' school fees
Expand the Mara Moja Shed A Light library to accommodate the growing demand
Increase graduation, employment, and empowerment rates
Construct similar libraries in other in-need villages
Expand into providing preventative health services for members of the community